Pyrocachers Rambles

The ramblings of Dave-Mancunian Pyrocacher, Husband & carer, Father of 2, and a addicted Geocacher. Ramblings about Life- caching-and everything!

Friday, January 14, 2005

Petrol Stations and Mobiles

Once again we have to take our car a Kia Sportage, to the dealer, for warranty repairs, the exauhst is blowing and it's drinking petrol. Sounds easy? Not if you live in Wales, and the Dealer is a couple of minuets from the Trafford Center, thats only a hour and a half drive down the Motorway. Right as it was our daughters birthday on Sunday and special plans were a foot (more in Sundays Blog), we arranged to stop with Mum, who lives in Oldham.

This Morning we packed the car, with the clothes, sleeping bags, mats and not forgetting my pillows (well I've got them how I like them). Sort out the cats for the 3 days we were away (Toilet trays, food for at least six days, and made sure the water container was full), and then we all bundled into the car, including Trixie, and off we set. The first stop was for Nette, to make a call of nature, finally we got onto the M56. And you guessed it, a stop at Chester Services for another call of nature (at least this time it didn't involve stopping on the hard shoulder).

Finally we arrived at Priory (the dealers) who are part of the Co Op, and always give good service, we started to unload the car, whilst Nette, went and booked the car in, and got the keys for the Focus (courtesy car). What a performance, transshipping all the stuff, and time to finally head for Mums. Back down the Motorway, and yep I did it again, I took the wrong exit (don't tell Mark and Joan). and we ended up on Palatine rd. At least I knew were to go!

As we were going past Manchester Citys ground, and Stephanie has a TB (Travel Bug) which wants to visit Football clubs. We made a pit stop to get some photos. We finally arrived at Mums, much to the relief of Trixie, who didn't like the Focus.

Well the door was opened, and Trixie, shot straight into the Kitchen, food time. Despite words to the opposite, she dotes on Trixie, and spoils her.My Uncle has recently been released from hospital, were he was close to death! So I volunteered to take Mum down to see him, as other wise it would mean two long bus journeys for her. So Mum, Stephanie and Trixie and I, set off. First stop petrol. As I'm stood there,filling the car, my mobile goes off. Which is in a pouch on my hip. Well I grabbed it, shoved it into poor Stephanie hands, and closed the car door on her. Oh no it was Nette, the car was ready, well there was no way I was giving them all that petrol. So we continued to my Uncles, oh my what a difference, he looked like a skeleton he's lost that much weight, and he was gob smacked when her saw Stephanie. As she was a little tyke the last time he saw her.

Once again, back at Mums, and it was time for some of mums, brilliant home cooking. Ah exstacy! And a quite night afterwards.


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