Pyrocachers Rambles

The ramblings of Dave-Mancunian Pyrocacher, Husband & carer, Father of 2, and a addicted Geocacher. Ramblings about Life- caching-and everything!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Proud Dad! At Sons Run of a Lifetime!

Seems a strange title? But not when you remember that Stephen has CFS! We had been to the Dental Hospital for Stephen to be assessed for treatment. Nette wanted to pop into a shop in Rhyl afterwards to inquire about getting a mobile unlocked. As usual when its a in-out visit rather than parking up and walking through. I dropped Nette off at the roundabout near Woollies (usualy we have Stephanie with us, who goes with her). Stephen was felling that great so stayed in the car. I drove my usual circuit around Rhyl (since the local CC took them over, the Traffic Wardens have been super efficient!) on getting back to the pick up point there was no sign of Nette, so we set off on a second circuit. When my mobile rang. Stephen answered it, but the caller hang up. It rang a second time! When he answered it this time I heard him say "where are you?". It was Nette on the phone. He turned to me and said "She's in a four year old, and is stood in the middle of the road. We better get round to her quick! I turned down and headed back towards Nette! Unfortunately the road I had to go down all ways has cars parked on both sides, with drivers waiting to get into spaces. As it's a one way street this means your blocked until they do! We were opposite the nat west bank when Stephen jumped out saying "I've got to get to Mum" and shoot off down the road like a scalded cat! Mean while I'm sat there wait for this car to reverse into a place. At this point you have to remember tat Stephen has CFS, and he was making a journey of approximately 1/5 mile to get to his Mum. Finally the way was clear and I set off. There was no sign of Stephen who had turned off the road I was on and headed onto the High St (which is pedestrianised). I got to the bottom and had to wait for the lights to change before I could turn right. Once I turned the corner and headed back to the pick up point, I could see Nette walking in the same direction but on the other side of the road in front of the arcades. I quickly pulled up after going around the round about, and at the same time Stephen arrived. He spoke to his Mum, and then put her in the car. She was still in her 4 year old! When I asked about being the middle of the road, she said that it was frightening with cars rushing past her on either side. While she was talking Stephen partialy collapsed due to the amount off effort that he put in! He'd run to him the equvilant of a marathon to get to his mum. And because of the fact that he put the welfare of his mum before his own welfare, and the fact that he reacted without hesitation! Has made me very, very proud off him! Unfortunately what little bit of freedom Nette used to have, by just nipping into a shop on her own. Has gone out of the door for now, as she will have to be accompanied were ever she goes.

Nette and I, this time accompanied by Stephanie went back into Rhyl to book the ferry tickets for saturday. Stephen has decided to stay at home so there is only the 3 of us going.


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