Vets, DNFs and Obtaining Permission
As you will be aware we had to pull out of Carry On Camping due to Trixie having to go the Vets for Xrays. Friday morning arrived after a night making sure that Trixie did not eat anything from 21:00 Thursday, a process which involved a major search to make sure we had found all her bones. We got to the Vets just before 09:00 and the Vet saw her straight away, this involved giving her a sedative. After that we left the surgery, and the Vet waited for it to take affect so that she could take the series of XRAYS. After several nail biting hours we got a call to say that she had come around and we could pick up our still groggy Poodle. The news from the Vets is that the condition is hereditary and there is no major damage to the joints and she does not need surgery! Time to let Mark and Joan who already made a FTI (First To Inquire) about her Thursday night, and Craig (Fruity) who told me that Rex (Doggit) had been poorly.
Saturday was a quiet day in letting our wounded soldier come fully round.
Sunday and In the evening I had a look to see what was new on the cache front and noticed a new series with several parts near to home. After looking at maps to see where we were going, off Stephanie and I set taking with us our caching canine. First stop Anatomy for Geocachers - Second Lesson, we got to the location but the Etrex put us in the middle of the road, a quick look around and it had to be one of 3 locations. As luck had it, it was the 3rd one we looked at. Cache found and log signed, and we noticed that our friend John Stead had loged it as well. Time to go and find the body part, the etrex put us on the grass verge opposite someone's garden, so after walking past it several times we decided that we'd found the body part time to go to the next cache.
Anatomy for Geocachers - Sixth Lesson now the general location was a doodle to find, and I soon turned into the car park. After a brief search the container was found log signed, and then time to look for the body part, which if both of us had looked properly was obvious when we drove in. and so off to our final one of the day and major headache times.
Anatomy for Geocachers - Seventh Lesson the coordinates put us on a path next to a primary school and at the corner of someone's back garden fence. After spending 10 minutes searching and using the clue, no part of the location matched what was on the cache sheet. We got into the car and tried coming at it from another location but ended up in the same location again, by this time we had received several worrying looks off locals so called it a day. When we got home I posted a DNF, only to receive a email from David the cache owner telling me that he'd put the wrong coordinates down oh well!
Monday and I had to pop up to Fflint to pick up some work form school for the kids, and had Nette and Stephanie with me, so we just had to go and find the DNF from the night before. But first as we were passing it we stooped at no 6 to let Nette find it. as we were getting ready to put the cache back the landlord came out to take a load of bottles to the bottle bank. Unfortunately he could not get his car started, so we spent 220 minute with him trying to get it started, but with no luck. And we left him to go and find No 7 which turned out to be a quick find.
I've spent the week trying to make contact to obtain permission for 2 caches, the first one will be a letterbox hybrid, I'm just waiting for the clerk of Whitford Community Council to get back to me, I've already spoken to the ranger for the area and he has no problems, unfortunately the ranger service only act as land managers so cannot give permission. The second one is more unusual in that it will be a */*, but the location is what will make it special if I get permission as it will be located in the grounds of a large organisation, and will be placed to show and incurage others that they should not be put off obtaining permission! I know this will upset those just can't be bothered or claim that they don't have the time, and those who think that if you can access land you can just place a cache. But personally I don't give a damm! Unless you own the land personally then you should always obtain permission! And as far as I'm concerned, those who state they haven't the time to find out who owns land and obtain permission, what a load off "B*ll*cks! If you've got time to find caches, you certainly have time send emails and letters to find out who owns the land and obtain permission! I've spoken to the buildings manager today regarding this cache over the phone, explained what I want to do and why.He's going to speak to a colleague about it and get back to me.
We were hopping to attend North Yorkshire Meet - Second Year unfortunately it will be too much off a journey for Nette. She's had a realy bad week regarding attacks, and tonight had a realy bad NEAD's (Non Epileptic Attack Disorder) attack, were she regressed into a 4 year old, and I had to restrain her for safetys sake, to stop her hurting herself. Unfortunately even though I tried my best, restraining a large adult sized 4 year old is impossible with out causing some slight injury, in this case she has a bruised hand, but at least she had no major injury's. Just a normal week, sounds strange hearing that after just reading what I've written, but to us when Nette is having a bad period of attacks, we have got used to putting up with over 20 attacks in a day, so are completly used to them. And whatever happens we still love her to bits!!!!
Saturday was a quiet day in letting our wounded soldier come fully round.
Sunday and In the evening I had a look to see what was new on the cache front and noticed a new series with several parts near to home. After looking at maps to see where we were going, off Stephanie and I set taking with us our caching canine. First stop Anatomy for Geocachers - Second Lesson, we got to the location but the Etrex put us in the middle of the road, a quick look around and it had to be one of 3 locations. As luck had it, it was the 3rd one we looked at. Cache found and log signed, and we noticed that our friend John Stead had loged it as well. Time to go and find the body part, the etrex put us on the grass verge opposite someone's garden, so after walking past it several times we decided that we'd found the body part time to go to the next cache.
Anatomy for Geocachers - Sixth Lesson now the general location was a doodle to find, and I soon turned into the car park. After a brief search the container was found log signed, and then time to look for the body part, which if both of us had looked properly was obvious when we drove in. and so off to our final one of the day and major headache times.
Anatomy for Geocachers - Seventh Lesson the coordinates put us on a path next to a primary school and at the corner of someone's back garden fence. After spending 10 minutes searching and using the clue, no part of the location matched what was on the cache sheet. We got into the car and tried coming at it from another location but ended up in the same location again, by this time we had received several worrying looks off locals so called it a day. When we got home I posted a DNF, only to receive a email from David the cache owner telling me that he'd put the wrong coordinates down oh well!
Monday and I had to pop up to Fflint to pick up some work form school for the kids, and had Nette and Stephanie with me, so we just had to go and find the DNF from the night before. But first as we were passing it we stooped at no 6 to let Nette find it. as we were getting ready to put the cache back the landlord came out to take a load of bottles to the bottle bank. Unfortunately he could not get his car started, so we spent 220 minute with him trying to get it started, but with no luck. And we left him to go and find No 7 which turned out to be a quick find.
I've spent the week trying to make contact to obtain permission for 2 caches, the first one will be a letterbox hybrid, I'm just waiting for the clerk of Whitford Community Council to get back to me, I've already spoken to the ranger for the area and he has no problems, unfortunately the ranger service only act as land managers so cannot give permission. The second one is more unusual in that it will be a */*, but the location is what will make it special if I get permission as it will be located in the grounds of a large organisation, and will be placed to show and incurage others that they should not be put off obtaining permission! I know this will upset those just can't be bothered or claim that they don't have the time, and those who think that if you can access land you can just place a cache. But personally I don't give a damm! Unless you own the land personally then you should always obtain permission! And as far as I'm concerned, those who state they haven't the time to find out who owns land and obtain permission, what a load off "B*ll*cks! If you've got time to find caches, you certainly have time send emails and letters to find out who owns the land and obtain permission! I've spoken to the buildings manager today regarding this cache over the phone, explained what I want to do and why.He's going to speak to a colleague about it and get back to me.
We were hopping to attend North Yorkshire Meet - Second Year unfortunately it will be too much off a journey for Nette. She's had a realy bad week regarding attacks, and tonight had a realy bad NEAD's (Non Epileptic Attack Disorder) attack, were she regressed into a 4 year old, and I had to restrain her for safetys sake, to stop her hurting herself. Unfortunately even though I tried my best, restraining a large adult sized 4 year old is impossible with out causing some slight injury, in this case she has a bruised hand, but at least she had no major injury's. Just a normal week, sounds strange hearing that after just reading what I've written, but to us when Nette is having a bad period of attacks, we have got used to putting up with over 20 attacks in a day, so are completly used to them. And whatever happens we still love her to bits!!!!
At 7:26 pm,
Anonymous said…
You sit on your arse all day instead of working a 15 hour shift like me and have the audacity to say its bollocks that I dont have time to write letters.
I would like to see you work 6 shifts per week and still find time to write letters as well as going geocaching.
You are so full of crap you have no idea.
Go get a life instead of preaching bullshit .
At 9:39 pm,
Dave the Pyrocacher said…
You work a 95 hour week with no breaks get real, if you do thats your choice, your employer can not force you or harrase you into working those hours! It takes 5 minutes to send a email. As to your comment about sitting on my ass. My working week is 24/7-365, I'm a permanent carer who only has 2 teenagers for support, one of the teenagers has CFS just like his mother! As to your working week, what are you going to do when the working hours restriction comes into force? As to Preaching Bullshit, I know from speaking to other cachers that you seem to be in the minority! At least I'm prepared to put my name to my opinion unlike you.
Dave who's not afraid of showing who he is!
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