Pyrocachers Rambles

The ramblings of Dave-Mancunian Pyrocacher, Husband & carer, Father of 2, and a addicted Geocacher. Ramblings about Life- caching-and everything!

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Now my event plans are screwed!

Well after exchanging, emails with one of the UK GC reviewers, it looks like my plans are screwed because of the hurra those B*****ds have raised. I was planing a double event day for later on in the year, the first a TB swap event on the ferry over to Island, and the second a UK/Irish cachers meeting event. Unless everything calms down, the Ferry event won't get approved due to it being a commercial event. What the f***k I hear you say, apparently it's because you have to purchase a ferry ticket, go figure, if your traveling to the second event, you've either got to fly to Dublin, or take the ferry, if your traveling from the UK! Hm? I wonder if I located it in the lobby of the ferry terminal, I'd be able to get it approved, free entrance, open to all. If you can't beat the b*****d's one way look for another way. As for my xmas dinner cache, well I've got around 303 days to work things out. organized a get together with a Troll for Sunday, sounds like I don't like my life, I know, but in reality, I'm meeting a fellow caching team, Cave Troll & Joan (Mark & Joan) with my other half, we're of to scout out a restaurant for my daughters 14th birthday, whilst we are in the location mark & Joan intend to replace a trashed cache of theirs, at the Anderton Boat Lift (An Uplifting Day Out). Well things have calmed down of the GC forums, so time for me to calm down, and get some caching planed, especially as Nette my other half, wants to get her No of finds up. Told you I was a cache addict!


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